| 1. | Qui eut le triple talent de boire , de battre , et dtre un vert galant “喂,来呀,再来一个,再来一个! ” |
| 2. | The direction deviations between different telescopes are calibrated 为了解决eut在轨指向偏差的标定问题。 |
| 3. | 3 . testing builded microwave anechoic chamber before eut is layed 在没有放被测件的情况下,对微波暗室进行测试。 |
| 4. | Equipment under test to the measurement terminal . the high pass filter output signal is switched from either conductor to the measurement terminal 大体上讲,电源阻抗稳定网路从检测设备eut向测试埠看,是一个高通滤波器。 |
| 5. | Eut is comprised of four pre - filters , four pieces of multilayer optics , four stray light rejection filters , four detectors and a vacuum chamber Eut由前端滤光片组、多层膜正入射光学系统、消杂光滤光片组、探测器和真空保护舱五个部分组成。 |
| 6. | Since the special characteristics of euv components , the imaging quality and the transmission are severely restricted by the components of eut 由于euv波段光学元件特有的光谱特性,每个光学元件的性能指标对eut的传输效率及成像质量都有重要的影响。 |
| 7. | Because of the influence of alignment error on ground and launch vibration , it is impossible for eut to keep four channels parallel perfectly . and this will bring error of observation 由于在地面装调以及发射过程中的影响无法保证四个通道轴向严格平行,进而带来观测上的误差。 |
| 8. | Solar images can be obtained by four telescopes at 13 . 0nm , 17 . 1nm , 30 . 4nm and 19 . 5nm respectively . it is important for calibration of eut in orbit selecting a proper spectrum line 四个通道都是在特定谱线对日进行观测,因此必须选一条公共的谱线经望远系统对日成像,以便完成望远镜在轨校准。 |
| 9. | The mirrors with different multilayers , their characteristics and influence with incidence , have been studied to improve the transmission in the system in which transmission efficiency of the system was calculated 研究了多层膜的带宽匹配问题及不同入射角度对反射率的影响,计算出eut在不同波段的传输效率和传输系数。 |
| 10. | The error has an effect on image registration and synthesizing . for synthesizing high resolution image , the angles between channels need be measured , then calibration of eut in orbit will be carried out 这些误差必然会影响图像配准、合成等。为了合成高分辨率的图像,需要测出各通道轴向夹角,对其在轨校准,从而减小观测上的误差。 |