Three different momentnormalization methods have been used , two of which are based on affinemoment normalization technique and the third is based on reducing theaffine transformation to a euclidian transform 三维纹理的光照不变性识别是一个很复杂的问题,这是因为对光照和仿射变换的不变因子推导是十分困难的。
On the basis of analyzing the classification principle of decision tree classifier and parallelpiped classifier , a new classification method based on normalized euclidian distance , called wmdc ( weighted minimum distance classifier ) , was proposed 通过分析多重限制分类器和决策树分类器的分类原则,提出了基于标准化欧式距离的加权最小距离分类器。
By adding weight define with nominal and string attributes and adding range restriction of attribute ' s value , wmdc extended applicability of mdc ( minimum distance classifier ) using normalized euclidian distance and improved its classification accuracy 该分类器通过对标称型和字符串型属性的距离的加权定义,以及增加属性值的范围约束,扩大了最小标准化欧式距离分类器的适用范围,同时提高了其分类准确率。