etceteras: n.〔pl.〕 其他种种东西,等等东西。 these etceteras 这种种东西。 100 dollars without etceteras 一百美元整。
Example Sentences:
Ivan : absolutely . we have lots of skills that alter firing rate , spread , homing capabilities , etcetera 当然有。我们有很多关于射速,散射和自动瞄准的技能。
The ceilings were so beautiful ; they were made of gold and precious jewels : rubies , pearls , emeralds , etcetera 尤其天花板非常的精美,是由各种珍贵珠宝制成,有红宝石珍珠翡翠黄金等等。
In any case that was very ancient history by now and as for our friend , the pseudo skin - the - etcetera , he had transparently outlived his welcome 不管怎样,而今这已成了古老的故事,至于我们这位冒牌的“什么皮” ,显然活得太长,早已不再为世人所垂青了。
Inspired by the event , the warswa and katowice center participated , creating a wonder display of suma ching hai s publication , works of art , photos , etceteras . . 活动了望台现场和平的气氛,及从小中心摊位散发出来的爱力与智慧,深深敲动了每一位来宾的心弦。
In hansen s words , " all this creates a lot of work for us in terms of testing with different tools , making alternative implementations , etcetera , but it s worth the trouble . 用hansen的话说就是: “所有这些为我们带来了许多工作:使用不同工具进行测试,产生可替代的实现方案等等,但是这些辛苦是值得的。 ”
Verything started when we first received master s instructions to organize a charity sale of her personal belongings : clothing , shoes , ornaments , etcetera . all the income from the sale was to be used to help the orphans and the poor in formosa 于接到师父的指示,要我们整理出她个人的衣服鞋子饰品用具等等,拿出来义卖给各地同修,所得全数悉捐出来帮助福尔摩沙孤儿和贫困的人。
In the first half of life , our task is to develop an ego , a conscious sense of who we are that ' s strong enough to leave our parents and go out into the world and say , " hire me , i can do that job " ; " have a relationship with me , you can trust me " ; etcetera 在生命的第一半段,我们的任务是发展一个自我,一个对我是谁的有意识的感觉,这个感觉强壮到足以让我们离开父母走入世界,说: “雇佣我吧,我可以做那份工作” ; “和我确定关系吧,你可以相信我”等。
In the first half of life , our task is to develop an ego , a conscious sense of who we are that ' s strong enough to leave our parents and go out into the world and say , " hire me , i can do that job " ; " have a relationship with me , you can trust me " ; etcetera 在生命的第一半段,我们的任务是发展一个自我,一个对我是谁的有意识的感觉,这个感觉足够的强烈驱使我们离开父母并且走入世界说“雇佣我,我可以做那份工作” ; “和我形成关系吧,你可以相信我”等。
On the other hand he might be only bluffing , a pardonable weakness , because meeting unmistakable mugs , dublin residents , like those jarvies waiting news from abroad , would tempt any ancient mariner who sailed the ocean seas to draw the long bow about the schooner hesperus and etcetera 如果是这样,倒还情有可原,因为任何一个老水手要是曾经跨越大洋航行过,一旦遇上地地道道的傻瓜,即都柏林居民,就像那些等着听外国奇闻的马车夫,都会情不自禁地吹起牛来,说什么“赫斯佩勒斯”号125三桅纵帆船啦,等等。
However , haud ignarus malorum miseris succurrere disco , etcetera , as the latin poet remarks , especially as luck would have it he got paid his screw after every middle of the month on the sixteenth which was the date of the month as a matter of fact though a good bit of the wherewithal was demolished 27况且刚巧赶上月中的十六日,他领了薪水,不过这笔款项实际上已花掉不少。最令人啼笑皆非的是,科利一门心思认定斯蒂芬生活富裕,成天无所事事,到处施舍。其实呢。