短语和例子 ere it is too late 趁着还不太晚。 He will die, ere he will yield. 他宁死不屈。
Example Sentences:
He will die , ere he will yield . 他宁死不屈。
She often said she would die a thousand deaths ere you should know her shame . 她常说她宁可死一千次也不愿让你知道她的丑事。
The day was well over ere the last fitu-ivan bank note had been redeemed with coin . 等把最后一张斐士一艾法纸币兑成硬币的时候,夜幕已经降临。
The fight began again this morning ere the dawn, and we have beaten their van and scattered their right wing . 今天早晨天没亮,战争又开始了,我们给敌人的先锋部队一次痛击,又把他们的右翼击溃。
Briarmains stood near the highway. it was rather an old place, and had been built ere that highway was cut . 白莱亚曼斯矗立在公路旁边。这是个年代比较古老的地方,早在公路开辟以前就已建造起来了。
The sea, which i heard washing round the brig, and where i thought my dead body would be cast ere morning, ran in my mind strangely . 我奇怪地想起了大海,想起了那在我们船只周围咆哮的大海,不消到明天,它将要吞掉我的尸体了。
This one, falling so pat, like a wayside omen, to arrest me ere i carried out my purpose, took the pith out of my legs . 这些骂得那么顺口的恶咒好象是一个凶兆,在我还没有来得及达到目的以前就把我镇摄住了,夺去了我两条腿的力气。
Of course this deliberate procedure was seen, and the hands of hetty were arrested ere she had more than liberated the upper portion of the captive's body . 当然这种公然的活动立刻被发觉了,海蒂刚刚把捆着她上半身的绳子割断,手就被人捉住了。
I just . . . normally , ere would be months or weeks 本来这种事情,应该先约会、求爱
Ere long a bell tinkled , and the curtain drew up 没过多久,铃声响了,幕拉开了。