Neurobiological alterations related to the cognitive impairment due to interictal epileptiform discharges in rats induced by sub - convulsive electrical stimulation 惊厥阈下电刺激诱发大鼠发作间痫样放电致认知功能障碍时相关神经生物学改变
Results : for adults presenting with a first seizure , a routine eeg revealed epileptiform abnormalities in approximately 23 % of patients , and these were predictive of seizure recurrence 首次发生抽搐的成年人进行常规脑电图,接近23的患者出现痫样异常,并提示再发。
The results were that the abnormal rate of eeg and tcd was 85 % and 72 % , respectively ; the positive rate of eeg provoked test was 60 % ; there was the single untypical epileptiform wave in the occipital in 3 patients by eeg 结果发现,脑电图异常率72 % ,经颅多普勒异常率85 % ,脑电图诱发试验60 %为阳性,其中3例脑电图在枕区可见单个非典型痫性波。