n. 1.伊比鸠鲁哲学;伊比鸠鲁学派。 2.信奉伊比鸠鲁哲学。 3.〔e-〕享乐主义;美食主义 (epicurism)。
Example Sentences:
According to the theory of stoic , nature represents reason , and the epicureanism considered the nature as happiness 在斯多葛派那里,自然代表理性,而伊壁鸠鲁派则把自然当作快乐。
Stoicism , school of philosophy , founded in ancient greece , opposed to epicureanism in its views of life and duty 斯多葛哲学,创立于古希腊,对生命和责任的看法和伊壁鸠鲁学说完全相反。
In ancient greece , the word nature had two meanings , one is physis which means nature , another is nomos which means rules or ruled nature . the difference was represented by the different academic schools of philosophy , which were stoic and epicureanism 在古希腊的自然哲学中,自然包含两层意思,一是physis (自然) ,二是nomos (法则或约定的自然) ,这种区分在斯多葛派和伊壁鸠鲁派的哲学中以不同的形式表达出来。