| 1. | Plication of lower lid retractor for lower lid entropion in 64 cases 下睑缩肌折叠术治疗下睑内翻64例 |
| 2. | Resect the palpebra obicularis muscle to cure senile entropion report of 45 cases 眼轮匝肌缝合眶隔法治疗老年性下睑内翻 |
| 3. | Correction of entropion 睑内翻矫正术 |
| 4. | Suturing orbicularis oculi to the septum orbitale for treating senile inferior entropion 睑轮匝肌切除治疗老年性睑内翻45例报告 |
| 5. | Improve orbicularis oculi muscle override and suturing the orbicularis oculi muscle for treating senile inferior entropion 眼轮匝肌缩短术治疗老年性睑内翻 |
| 6. | We present 4 of the cases in our experience that received lower eyelid blepharoplasty , 2 for cosmetic reasons , and the other 2 for entropion and cosmetic reasons 本文报告4例接受下眼睑整型术的病人,其中两例纯粹是为了美观的理由而接受手术,另外两例则除了美观外并达到治疗的目的。 |
| 7. | Good health but some are prone to " wobbler " syndrome , heart problems , skin problems , hip dysplasia , and entropion - a folding outward of the eyelid rim , usually on the lower lid 良好的健康状况但是有些常会有“摇摇晃晃”的症状,心脏问题,皮肤问题,臀部发育障碍,眼睑内翻是一种眼皮向外翻,通常是下眼皮。 |
| 8. | Blepharoplasty is a surgery for the eyelid involving an incision of the lid skin , orbicularis muscle , and herniated orbital fat pad , which improves the general appearance of the patient and also corrects the mechanical entropion induced by the hypertrophic orbicularis muscle 摘要随著经济成长及生活水准之提高,人们对于医疗已不只停留在医治疾病上,有愈来愈多人,想藉由进步的医学,达成改善容貌及整体美观的心愿。 |