We are pleased to notify you that the whole of their extensie stock of silks elets , ribbons , mantles , shawls , woollen and cotton goods . haberdashery , is now on sale at prime cost 我们正在清仓,有丝织品、天鹅绒、丝带、披风、披肩、毛制品、棉织品以及其他男士服饰,均以进货价出售,特告。
On coming to himself after his illness , pierre saw waiting on him two of his servants , terenty and vaska , who had come from moscow , and the eldest of his cousins , who was staying at pierres estate in elets , and hearing of his rescue and his illness had come to nurse him 皮埃尔病中清醒过来时,他看见他跟前有两个从莫斯科来的仆人捷连季和瓦西卡,还有大公爵小姐,她一向居住在叶利茨的皮埃尔庄园。听说皮埃尔获救并且生了病,特地前来照顾他的。