| 1. | What jeanie least liked in the tone of the letter was a smothered degree of egotism . 珍妮最不高兴的是信中隐约可见的唯我独尊的口吻。 |
| 2. | His egotism had never taken the crude form of desiring a dull wife . 他的利己主义从来没有表现为一种粗俗的形式,满足于得到一个百依百顺的妻子。 |
| 3. | He had never thought of her but in the chill of his egotism and the light of her use . 他却从来不想到她,除了在他那冷冰冰的沾沾自喜里,或者是考虑到她的用处时。 |
| 4. | "it is an interesting question," said lord henry, who found an exquisite pleasure in playing on the lad's unconscious egotism . “这是个有趣的问题,”享利勋爵说,他觉得嘲弄这孩子不自觉的自负能获得极大的乐趣。 |
| 5. | Under his good-nature, his facility, his knowledge of life, his egotism lay hidden like a serpent in a bank of flowers . 在他的温和仪表,他的老成练达,他的生活阅历下,都隐藏着他的自私自利,就象在遍地鲜花中隐藏着一条毒蛇。 |
| 6. | On the subjectivity and objectivity of moral egotism 论道德自我的主体性与客体性 |
| 7. | And i must suffer for her egotism “可我还得为了她的自私自利活受罪! ” |
| 8. | Egotism produces disrespectful attitudes toward others 自我中心会产生对别人不尊重的态度。 |
| 9. | He was kindly and good - natured for all his egotism 他尽管一心想着自己,但是他和气,善良,心眼好。 |
| 10. | Egotism is the anesthetic that dulls the pain of stupidity 自负是为了麻痹因为愚蠢带来痛楚的麻醉剂。 |