And there is the mountain , with snow capped tops and limpid springs , with duteous sheep and gentle breeze , with memories of a lifetime , haunting in my dreams , each single night 于是又见远山,山顶白雪皑皑,山涧清澈可鉴,带着拂面的清风和温顺的羊群,带着一段平静而永恒的回忆,每一夜伴着漫天的星辉回到梦中来。 ”
Finally , the author has conceived to constructs the government responsibility system through changing exterior difficult position into which the populace falls and strengthening the psychological interventions , with a view to the government shoulders its own responsibility based on the populace vulnerability in the process of crisis management , forecasts , unblocks and controls the populace vulnerability properly , enhances the society ’ s duteous effect and reduces the reverse effect , reduces the government ' s changeability and difficulty during the crisis management , makes the crisis management obtain the good effect and the anticipated target 从不同层面对二者关系进行了论述,并针对危机情境下民众脆弱性的产生根源深入探讨危机管理中的政府责任问题。第四部分,以危机情境下民众脆弱性为基点构建危机管理中的政府责任制度。提出了政府在危机管理中应树立何种责任观念,构建了政府在危机管理中的责任体系,论述了危机管理中政府责任的约束机制。