| 1. | The marchers timed their steps to the drumbeat 列队行进的人按着鼓点调整他们的步伐。 |
| 2. | A monotonous rhythmical drumbeat or similar sound 单调鼓声一种单调的有节奏的敲鼓声或类似的声音 |
| 3. | Every seat counts , and thus every vote counts . you have heard the drumbeats from the battlefield 团结就是力量,众志可以成城,每一票都重要,每一个议席都重要。 |
| 4. | The sensor is driven by the drumbeat of constant deadline ; she ' s interested in getting things done quickly 感应者是在不变的"期限”驱使下。她对迅速把事情搞定感兴趣。 |
| 5. | Despite the kremlin ' s drumbeat of anti - americanism , russians have embraced imports of american sitcoms 尽管克里姆林宫的反美主义鼓声,俄国人已经拥抱美国情境喜剧的进口。 |
| 6. | A pattern of drumbeats characterized by four basic beats and alternating left - handed and right - handed strokes on the successive primary beats 击鼓声(咚哒咚咚)一种有四个基本鼓点且第二个鼓点从左手换到右手的鼓击形式 |
| 7. | Not enough love , money , food , credit , glory ? the subject of our deprivation obsessions varies , but the theme " not enough " pounds away like a monotonous drumbeat “ - -爱不够、钱不够、食物不够、赞誉不够、荣耀不够- -虽然每个人感到”缺乏“的对象不同,但是,其中主旨是“不够”就好像单调鼓声响个不停。 |
| 8. | Then thunderous drumbeats signalled the opening of an outdoor fashion show in which dozens of new sm celestial clothes for spring and summer were worn by fellow - initiate models , revealing masters unique , elegant , gracious and thoughtful designs 在隆隆鼓声后,天衣秀登场,数十款s . m . celestial春夏新装于城市舞台露天表演场展出。 |
| 9. | Drumbeats sounded , sporadic at first , then quickly joined by more and more until the entire forest was alive with a rhythm that started soft like the rain , then grew to a persistent , thundering roll 战鼓擂响,起初只是零星的鼓点,紧接着越来越多的鼓声混杂在一起,直到整片森林从开始像雨点一样轻的节奏撼动,逐渐变成连续不断的雷鸣般的轰鸣。 |
| 10. | Like heartbeats , drumbeats are the very pulse of life . using a variety of traditional japanese percussion and string instruments , yamato celebrate the beauty of life . from thunderous roars of the o - daiko to willowy wails of the tsugaru shamisen , their music is bound to touch the very core of your soul and stir the many emotions inside your heart . so fasten your seatbelts and enjoy the ride around this rhythmic soundscape 《魂》由多个乐章组成,每一环节均充分展现日本传统敲击乐和弦乐的迷人乐韵由津轻三味线活现四季大地之声,以至御太鼓重现古时日本人对朝阳的颂赞,和太鼓倭的演出必定能令你抛却城市的尘嚣,沉醉于澎湃激昂的氛围当中。 |