| 1. | We study drell - yan ( dy ) dilepton production in - proton collisions within the light - cone ( lc ) color dipole picture , which is described in the target rest frame 在靶静止系中,用色偶极模型研究了- p碰撞的drell - yan ( dy )过程。 |
| 2. | By deep inelastic scattering of leptons on nucleus and nuclear drell - yan processes one can learn the parton densities in nucleus 通过轻子与原子核的深度非弹性散射、核drell - yan过程,可以了解原子核中的夸克?部分子分布的信息。 |
| 3. | It is found that unlike drell - yan model , color dipole approach to drell - yan process needs no k factor and it describes nuclear shadowing effect well in p - a drell - yan process 另外,这一模型也能很好的描述p - a碰撞的drell - yan过程中的遮蔽效应。 |
| 4. | And by deep inelastic scattering of polarized leptons on nucleus and polarized nuclear drell - yan process one can understand polarized parton densities in nucleus more deeply 通过极化的轻子与原子核的深度非弹性散射、极化的核drell - yan过程,可以更深入地了解原子核中的极化夸克?部分子分布的信息。 |
| 5. | In p - a drell - yan process , the incident quark will experience multiple collisions with different nucleons in the nucleus , which leads to the suppressed drell - yan cross section , in another words , the nuclear shadowing effect 在靶静止系,对于p - a碰撞的drell - yan过程,入射夸克要与原子核中的不同核子发生多次碰撞,使得总的微分截面被压低,这就是遮蔽效应。 |
| 6. | A nuclear dependence of the qt distributions , should also occur for high - mass pairs produced in nuclear drell - yan process . in 1987 , the na10 collaboration in cern present the first clear evidence for a nuclear dependence of the transverse momentum distribution of massive muon pairs produced in hadronic interactions 在高能强子反应中,末态强子的大横动量分布具有明显的核相关性,这种效应也应出现在高能核drell - yan过程的大质量轻子对产生过程中。 |
| 7. | In this paper , the color dipole approach in the target rest frame is presented and the ratio of the drell - yan cross section per nucleon for an 800 gev proton beam incident on a variety of nuclear targets are calculated and the results are compared with fermilab e772 and e866 experimental data . it is shown that without considering the energy loss effect , the calculated results can fit rather well with experimental data 本文介绍了靶静止系中色偶极模型,用色偶极模型计算了800gev质子与原子核碰撞的drell - yan过程的微分截面比,并与e772和e866实验结果进行了比较。发现:不考虑能量损失,只计及p - a碰撞中的遮蔽效应,理论结果就与实验符合的很好。 |
| 8. | Gribov combined the nonrelativistic glauber multiple collisions theory with quantum field theory and fe ynman diagram technique so that relativistic kinematics could be included . based on glauber - gribov theory , b . z . kopeliovich et . al . developed green function method to calculate the shadowing effect in p - a drell - yan process Gribov将描述高能非相对论的多次碰撞的glauber理论与量子场论和费曼图联系了起来,从而glauber - gribov理论可以描述相对论情况下的多次散射,基于这一理论, b . z . kopeliovich等提出用格林函数方法计算p - a碰撞的drell - yan过程中的遮蔽效应。 |
| 9. | Al . first applies the color - dipole approach to drell - yan process , which says that in the target rest frame the drell - yan process can be viewed as bremsstrahlung . rather than parton annihilation . according to factorization theorem , the drell - yan cross section can be expressed in terms of the same dipole cross section that appears in deep inelastic scattering 虽然高能反应的微分截面是洛仑兹不变的,但其部分子解释却是与坐标系有关的,最近, b . z . kopeliovich等提出靶静止系中drell - yan过程的色偶极模型,他们认为,在靶静止系高能碰撞的drell - yan过程是一韧致辐射过程而不是正反夸克对的湮灭。 |