I only know myself as a human entity : the scene , so to speak , of thoughts and affections ; and am sensible of a certain doubleness by which i can stand as remote from myself as from another 可以说我是反映我思想感情的一个舞台面,我都着双重人格,因此我能够远远的看自己就如别人一样。
The full understanding of this section can be achieved by discussing absolute and relative qualities of rights and doubleness of performer of obligation on the basis of comparing constitutions of major countries with written constitutions 在比较各主要成文宪法国家宪法的基础上,提出从受教育权利绝对性与相对性和受教育义务履行者双重性两个方面来进一步探讨该条款,会加深对该条款的理解。