| 1. | Dorothy sighed, "oh, dear! " 多萝茜叹了口气,“唉,真要命!” |
| 2. | Without waiting for permission, dorothy escaped . 多萝茜不等答应便溜之大吉了。 |
| 3. | While prolonging the smile, dorothy closed her eyes again . 笑容还荡漾在脸上,多萝茜又闭上了眼睛。 |
| 4. | Dorothy couldn't help feeling moved by her brother's famous voice . 弟弟的声音太动听了,多萝茜不由地有些动情了。 |
| 5. | She ambles around the room, coming to rest before dorothy again . 她在屋子里慢慢转悠,又走到多萝西的照片前站住了。 |
| 6. | Then it must have been dorothy who had dropped the rumours at moreton drive . 这样看来,在莫里顿大道散布流言蜚语的一定是多萝西。 |
| 7. | When dorothy came out, she was given a coming-out party in particular . 当罗西初入社会交界时,专门为她举行了一次拉关系的社交聚会。 |
| 8. | Dorothy knew that one of her worst faults was to suspect ulterior motives in others . 多萝茜心里明白,自己最大的一个毛病,就是爱揣度别人秘而不宣的动机。 |
| 9. | Margaret chose to do her research in organic chemistry with dorothy hodgkin, the only chemist of her year to go in this direction . 玛格丽特决定跟着多萝西霍奇金研究有机化学。多萝西。霍奇金是当时唯一从事有机化学研究的化学家。 |
| 10. | - you ' re blushing , dorothy . - don ' t blush , kathy -你在脸红,桃乐茜-别害羞,凯西 |