Moreover , we must insist on the dialectics , and turn away the doctrinairism 在具体教学评价中,应坚持辨证法,避免教条主义。
The section 1 analyses what the doctrinairism is and points out it ' s harmful nature 第一部分从理论上对教条主义进行分析,并指出其危害性。
Especially in china , on account of the inimitable social historical reasons and the flowage of doctrinairism , the trend of the scientism in education research is more seriously 尤其在我国,由于独特的社会历史原因以及教条主义的长期禁锢,教育研究中的唯科学主义倾向更为严重。
Thirdly , the part analyses the kinds of manifestion of extreme - religionism and effect on china . for example , islam - extrem religious influence , islam - doctrinairism and extensive - islamism and so on 三、分析了宗教极端主义的种种表现,讲述了近期活跃在中亚地区的伊斯兰宗教极端势力、伊斯兰原教旨主义以及泛伊斯兰主义对中国的影响。