Core self - evaluations : a new approach of dispositional research 人格倾向研究的新取向
According to the structural model , positiveness of consumer prior expectations of the sponsoring brand regarding its altruism orientation and perceived persuasiveness of evidences communicated by the sponsoring brand regarding its altruism orientation are found to be exogenous constructs that generate juxtaposing effects , mediated by the three causal dimensions of the sponsoring brand ' s sponsorship behavior in the first order and dispositional of sponsor motivations in the second order , on perceived sponsor sincerity which is designated as the terminal endogenous construct of the model 根据此实证结构模型显示,消费者对赞助品牌利他倒像先前期望之正向性,与赞助品牌所传播关于其利他导向证据被知觉之说服力,乃是被知觉之赞助者诚意此一终极内衍变项之并列外衍变向;消费者对赞助品牌之赞助行为之三个因果归因构面以及对赞助者动机之内在本质归因,分别为第一序与第二序之中介内衍变项。