How to improve the enterprise ' s competition ability through the human resource development is one of the worthful discussible subjects based on the study and analysis of domestic civil air - defence business 如何通过人力资源开发提高企业竞争能力,是值得我国人防企业在管理分析研究基础上展开讨论的课题。
The case has involved the decision of corporation strategy and the detail of marketing model , also has involved the advanced marketing model of foreign motor companies and the discussible marketing model of inland motor companies 案例中既有战略层面的决策又有营销实务展开,既有国外汽车公司先进的营销模式介绍又有国内汽车市场开拓的尝试。
Small and medium - sized enterprises ( smes ) are important sections in chinese economy system and play a special role that can not be substituted by large - sized corporations . marketing - economy system caused the institutional conflicts . in recent years , solving the sme ’ s finance embarrassment becomes the discussible focus of the government and the financial area 目前,我国中小企业数量已占全国注册企业总数的99 %以上,其工业总产值、销售收入、实现利税、出口总额分别占到全国的60 % 、 57 % 、 40 %和60 % ,提供了约75 %的城镇就业机会。