The mating system can be changed in a quick and simple manner, from monoecy to dioecy . 用较快而简洁的方法使交配系统从雌雄同株变成雌雄异株。
From study on their floral syndrome , it is possible to ascertain that p . meirilliana and its sister species p . cicutarrifolia have the same ancestor that is homostylyed , since the changing of environment conditions or visiting by insects , p . merrilliana becomes heterostylyed and seems to have envolved in a direction toward dioecy or subdioecy 根据花部综合特征,推测两物种是同一祖先的两个近缘衍生种,安徽羽叶报春的祖先可能是花柱同长的,并有可能向雌雄异株方向进化c5