The clinical observation on relationship on differential syndrome diagnostication of traditional chinese medicine analyse and immune function of chronic hepatitis b 慢性乙型肝炎中医辨证分型与细胞免疫功能关系的临床观察
Based on the result , fault diagnostication according to fault recording data and locating the fault position of stator windings are p [ it forward for the first time , it is irmovative and practical 在此基础上,首次提出用录波数据进行故障诊断,确定接地点在定子绕组上的位置,分析失磁全过程,有创新、有实用价值。
Based on the result , the fault diagnostication according to fault record data and locating the fault position of staor wtndings are put forwar for the first time , it is innovative and practical 在此基础上,首次提出用录波数据对定子绕组匝间短路和相间短路进行故障诊断,确定故障点在定子绕组上的相别和匝数,有创新、有实用价值。