First , in the field of atmospheric dynamics the developments in dynamics of diabatic waves and low - frequency waves , the dispersive effects of turbulence and nonlinear atmospheric waves are re - viewed 在大气动力学领域,主要介绍了非绝热波和大气低频动力学、湍流的频散效应和大气非线性波动等方向的研究进展。
Results show that subtropical high in june 1998 is more intensive and westerly and than normal , leading to the floods in yangtze river valley . vertical diabatic heating has stronger impacts on the variation of intensity and location of western pacific subtropical high 结果表明: 1998年6 - 7月西太平洋副高较常年同期偏强偏西,从而导致了我国长江流域持续暴雨洪涝天气的发生;副热带地区的非绝热加热对副高的强度和位置的变化有极其重要影响。