She played a trick on him out of sheer devilment 她捉弄他完全是为了寻开心
The child is always busy with some devilment or other 这孩子总是忙著恶作剧什麽的这孩子总是在搞什麽鬼把戏。
He told me to watch out sharp and let him know when the men come in sight again ; said they was up to some devilment or other - wouldn t be gone long 他叮嘱我仔细了望,一见那些人重新出现,立刻告诉他。还说他们准定是在玩弄鬼花招不会走远的。
" it was just so with my joe - always full of his devilment , and up to every kind of mischief , but he was just as unselfish and kind as he could be - and laws bless me , to think i went and whipped him for taking that cream , never once recollecting that i throwed it out myself because it was sour , and i never to see him again in this world , never , never , never , poor abused boy ! 我以为他偷吃了奶酪,不分青红皂白地拿鞭子抽了他一顿,压根没想到是奶酪酸了,我亲手倒掉的。好了,这下子,我别想活着见到他了,永远永远永远也见不着了。这个可怜的受尽虐待的孩子啊! ”