Which one of tyrol ' s deckhands recently got a big promotion 泰罗尔的那个手下最近被升职了?
Entry permits for mainland fisherman deckhands 内地渔工进入许可
Which deckhand found the photo of the adama family in the colonial fleet archives 那个甲板船员在殖民地舰队档案室发现了阿达玛家的合影?
Some 4 , 180 deckhand permits were issued under the mainland fishermen deckhands scheme to about 1 , 140 eligible operators of fishing and fish transportation vessels to alleviate their manpower shortage 在内地过港渔工计划下,约4 , 180名渔工配额获分配予约1 , 140名合资格的渔船及收鱼船经营者,以纾缓该行业人手不足的情况。