The swede - field in which she and her companion were set hacking was a stretch of a hundred odd acres , in one patch , on the highest ground of the farm , rising above stony lanchets or lynchets - the outcrop of siliceous veins in the chalk formation , composed of myriads of loose white flints in bulbous , cusped , and phallic shapes 苔丝和她的同伴开始动手挖瑞典萝卜的那块田地,是一百多亩的一大片,也是那个农场上最高的一块,突出在白垩质地层或者砂石混杂的地面上它的外层是白垩质岩层中硅质矿床形成的,里面混合着无数的白色燧石,有的像球茎,有的像人的牙,有的像人的生殖器。