Effect of xuebijing injection on cruor function in severe acute pancreatitis 血必净注射液对重症急性胰腺炎患者凝血功能的影响
There are cruor system , fibrinolysis system and blood platelet system which affect thrombosis 与血栓形成有关的生理过程主要有凝血系统、纤溶系统和血小板系统。
The relationship between cruor - fibrinolysis system and atheromatous thrombosis and the effect of exercise on it are always the focus in the field of general medicine and sports medicine 摘要凝血纤溶系统与动脉粥样硬化血栓形成的关系及运动对其的影响,一直以来是医学界和运动医学领域关注的课题。
It contains unsatu - rated fatty acid dha & epa , helps to balance the blood lipid levels , debase cholesterol , prevent cruor , cerebral hemorrhage , cerebral thrombus and senile dementia , etc 深海鱼油俗称“降脂灵” ,能有效降低胆固醇和甘油三酯的含量,从而降低血液粘稠度,促进血液循环及消除疲劳,预防动脉粥样硬化、脑溢血、脑血栓和老年痴呆,并可缓和痛风及风湿性关节炎。
The hepatitis after blood transfusion can be caused because of losing complete blood not only , and lose partial blood part only , if factor of fresh plasma , cruor , plaque condenses fluid , albumin , wait to cause the hepatitis after blood transfusion likely also 输血后肝炎不仅因输全血可以引起,而且仅输部分血液成分,如新鲜血浆、凝血因子、血小板浓缩液、白蛋白等也有可能引起输血后肝炎。
The cause that causes cerebral blood - vessel block basically has two kinds : it is a head thrombosis , it is the pathological changes as a result of cerebral blood - vessel itself , often make the film inside tubal antrum coarse because of sclerosis of appearance of cerebral artery congee , be in charge of antrum stricture , below certain condition , if blood pressure is reduced , blood stream is slow , blood sticks consistency heighten , the cruor factor such as plaque , condense inside blood - vessel agglomerate , form cerebral thrombus 引起脑血管阻塞的原因主要有两种:一是脑血栓形成,它是由于脑血管本身的病变,常因脑动脉粥样硬化使管腔内膜粗糙,管腔狭窄,在某些条件下,如血压降低,血流缓慢,血液粘稠度增高,血小板等凝血因子,在血管内凝聚成块,形成脑血栓。