Two structures that experienced cracking in the longitudinal girder web at x-type cross-frame are reviewed in detail hereafter . 以下将详细评论在纵梁腹板与X型横向框架连接处开裂的两座结构。
The forces that developed from the deformation in the cross-frame were primarily transmitted from the connection plate into the web by the upper pair of intermittent fillet welds . 因横向框架中的变形所发生的力最初由连接板通过较上面的一对间断贴角缝传入腹板中。
Two structures that experienced cracking in the longitudinal girder web at x - type cross - frame are reviewed in detail hereafter 以下将详细评论在纵梁腹板与x型横向框架连接处开裂的两座结构。
Access to frames is complicated by the fact that the managed html dom implements a security measure known as cross - frame scripting security 对框架的访问因为托管html dom实施称为“跨框架脚本撰写安全”的安全措施的事实而比较复杂。