n. 1.做裙衬的硬毛布[马鬃布];裙子的衬架;有硬毛布衬(架)的裙子。 2.(军舰的)水雷防御网。
Example Sentences:
More wicked than helping me make that ludicrous crinoline dress 比给我做一条滑稽的裙子还缺德?
I ' m already regretting the crinoline 我对裙子的花边很遗憾了
Nikolay , in his old ladys crinoline and a hussars cloak belted over it , stood up in the middle of the sledge picking up the reins 尼古拉穿着一件老太婆的衣裳,外面披上束紧腰带的骠骑兵斗篷,拉紧缰绳站在这几辆雪橇的中间。
To curl her hair , put on a crinoline , and sing songs to attract her husband would have seemed to her as strange as to deck herself up so as to please herself 她认为,梳上蓬松的卷发,穿上时髦的连衣裙,唱着抒情的歌曲,以此来取得丈夫的欢心,就像自得其乐地把自己梳妆打扮一番一样可笑。
It , too , was caught and trying to tear itself free , the wind , like absalom . how cold the anemones looked , bobbing their naked white shoulders over crinoline skirts of green 原来风也是和押沙一样,被困着,但是挣扎着想把自己解脱出来,那些白头翁草看来多委怕冷的样子,在它绿色的衣裙上,耸着洁白的赤裸的肩膊。
Ellen bloom in pantomime dame s stringed mobcap , crinoline and bustle , widow twankey s blouse with muttonleg sleeves buttoned behind , grey mittens and cameo brooch , her hairplaited in a crisping net , appears over the staircase banisters , a slanted candlestick in her hand and cries out in shrill alarm 头戴哑剧中贵妇人戴的那种下巴上系带子的头巾式软帽,身穿寡妇吐安基32那种有衬架和腰垫的裙子衬衫钮扣钉在背后,袖子是羊脚型的戴着灰色露指长手套,配以有浮雕的玉石胸针。