There are a number of techniques web designers can implement to protect against these creepy crawly little annoyances 网站设计者可以采用一些技术,避免“黑蜘蛛”的侵扰。
A scow or a raft went by so close we could hear them talking and cussing and laughing - heard them plain ; but we couldn t see no sign of them ; it made you feel crawly ; it was like spirits carrying on that way in the air 有时候一只驳船或者一只木筏贴近我们开过去,离我们这么近,说话声咒骂声调笑声,声声入耳听得一清二楚,就只是看不见人的影子。这叫人浑身汗毛直竖,仿佛是精灵在天空中显灵。