The two women valiantly disguised these forced excursions and countermarches as well as they could from durbeyfield their cause , and from abraham , and from themselves ; and so they approached by degrees their own door , the head of the family bursting suddenly into his former refrain as he drew near , as if to fortify his soul at sight of the smallness of his present residence - 母女俩尽量把主要来自德北菲尔德的跌跌撞撞以及他所引起的亚伯拉罕和她们自己的跌跌撞撞掩饰起来他们就这样一步一步地接近了他们的家门口,这家人的家长在走近家门口时,突然放声唱起他先前唱过的歌来,仿佛看见他现在的住所太狭小,要增强自己的信心似的