Diagnostic techniques for infectious coryza 鸡传染性鼻炎诊断技术
Cases of child ' s repeated infection of respiratory tract treated by wearing anti - coryza bag 中西医结合治疗急性化脓性中耳炎50例疗效观察50
Results the illness rate of exposed groups is higher than that in no - exposed workers on dizzy giddy , headache , memory declining , catamenia disturbance , coryza , pharyngitis , dermatitis 结果低浓度混苯接触组头晕、头痛、记忆力下降、月经紊乱以及鼻炎、咽炎、皮炎发病率明显高于对照组,发病者专业工龄无明显差异。
Biogen - tab is an effective and invaluable medicine for many poultry diseases , particularly chronic respiratory disease , infectious coryza , salmonelloses fowl typhoid and paratyphoid infection , blue comb disease , fowl cholera , coccidiosis , and leucocytozoon disease . the diseases infected by virus , such as newcastl disease , avian encephalomyelitis are found not to be effected by biogen - tab treatment 爱禽美对许多家禽疾病是相当有效的药品,特别是慢性呼吸器病,通称crd ,传染性可利查,沙士杆菌病如家禽伤寒,副伤寒,蓝冠病,家禽霍乱,球虫病,及白冠病等但有些疾病,由病毒感染者无效如新城鸡瘟,传染性喉头气管炎