In this way , we continuingly enhance the makings of managers and operators , perfect the running system and ensure contracts being done in time and of high quantity 我们深信只有提高企业的信誉和产品的知名度,才能确保企业生产的蓬勃发展。
With continuingly rapid growth of hi - tech enterprises in china , both researchers and practioners in this field have paid much attention to the issue of profit distributions 随着我国高新技术产业的快速发展,如何制定与之相适应的利润分配策略,即制定适当的股利政策,成为当前理论界和广大高新技术企业投资者、管理者所思考的重要课题。
Performance evaluation , on which many other functions are based , is the most important part of hr management , and its basic purpose is to make its employees continuingly develop , providing the fundamental force to push the enterprise forward 绩效考评作为企业人力资源管理中关注的重点,为实施人力资源的其他职能提供依据,但它最深层的目的是促进员工的发展,因为企业持续发展的根本动力就是员工的发展。
The value of containing soil and water is only 5 . 1 percent and 0 . 7 percent in total ecosystem value respectively in ansai county and wuchuan county , however in zhifanggou valley the ration gets to 60 . 3 percent . so some measures of increasing the vegetation and strengthening the service function should be taken continuingly 但是,区域的水土保持服务功能还很低下,安塞县、武川县水土保持价值占总服务价值的比例分别为5 . 1 、 0 . 7 ,纸坊沟流域则达到60 . 3 。