| 1. | The longitudinal cords are termed connectives . 纵走的索称为连索。 |
| 2. | It generates a scar of dense connective tissue . 它形成致密的结缔组织疤痕。 |
| 3. | The arachnoid is composed of connective tissue devoid of blood vessels . 蛛网膜是由无血管的结缔组织所构成。 |
| 4. | In adults, fibroblasts in connective tissue rarely undergo division . 成年人结缔组织的成纤维细胞很少发生分裂。 |
| 5. | The choroid plexus is composed of loose connective tissue of the pia mater . 脉络丝由软脑膜的疏松结缔组织构成。 |
| 6. | The dermis is composed of the connective tissue that supports the epidermis . 真皮是由支撑表皮的结蒂组织构成的。 |
| 7. | The stroma of all lymphatic organs is made up of reticular connective tissue . 所有淋巴器官的间质由网状结缔组织组成。 |
| 8. | It is also encased in membranes of connective tissue called the meninges . 它还被一些结缔组织的膜所包裹,这些膜叫做脑膜。 |
| 9. | It may be a transitional form between dense regular connective tissue and bone . 它是致密规则结缔组织与骨组织间的过滤形式。 |
| 10. | White fat is partitioned by septa of loose connective tissue into clusters of adipose cells . 白色脂肪被疏松结缔组织隔膜分隔成脂肪细胞群。 |