n. 【天文学】分至圈,两至圈,分至经线,四季线。 the equinoctial colure 二分圈,昼夜平分圈。 the solstitial colure二至圈。
Example Sentences:
He has no opinion ; he just takes his colure from the company he is in 他没有意见,只以他所属的一帮人的意见为己见。
Through the processing method basing on wavelets , implementing the removing noise about section gauss noise to colure full tv signal , we resolve the theory and practice problems in the processing of weak signal detection 摘要通过基于小波分析的处理方法,实现对彩色全电视信号一段被高斯白噪声干扰的降噪,解决微弱信号检测过程中遇到的理论和实践问题。