Pricing decisions made in a collusive atmosphere come close to monopoly pricing . 在勾结的情况下制定的价格,接近于垄断价格。
Then , following the detailed design concerning the collusive materials and kitchen ware 然后,对于厨房的材料和厨房用具的设计又进行了详细的阐述。
By analyzing the model and clarifying the behavior character of the owner , the conclusion of paper is : if the firm owner could and should monitor the auditor , then there must be a auditing contract which could prevent the manager and the auditor become collusive and skulked 最终得到的模型结论是:若所有者能够保证一定程度的核查力度,那么总会有适当的审计合约能够保证不会出现共谋,并且有效的激励经理人和审计师努力工作诚实报告。
Adopting rational agent characteristic could add the auditor into corporate contract to educing optimum solution ; opening out the auditor incentive factors in auditing demand theory and the monitor mechanism of auditing . a multi - agent corporate model including the firm owner , the manager and the auditor of the corporate is analyzed in the paper , the conclusions are : educing the optimum solution of model which could prevent the manager and the auditor becoming collusive or skulked ; clarifying the relationship between monitoring of the firm owner and working of the auditor , and illustrating the behavior combination of optimum solution ; further analyzing the relationship among monitoring degree , punishment of auditor and the auditor risk . adapting the model from a single term to serial terms , and adding the non - monetary utility of auditor - - - reputation into the model ; describing behavior of the firm owner in reality and clarifying the necessity of monitoring by the owner and the environment improvements it needs 论文采用所有者经理人审计师多代理人模型为基础进行分析,主要成果是:得出能够防止共谋和不努力工作的模型最优解集合;通过因素分析阐明审计师工作努力程度与所有者监控力度之间的直接关系,以及审计合约最优解的行为策略组合及其制定顺序;引申分析所有者监控力度与审计风险、审计师惩罚力度之间的关系;成功的将模型从单一期间扩展到多期间情况,并且将审计师声誉等非现金收入形式的效用影响加入到模型当中;通过分析审计实务中的所有者行为特征说明所有者对审计师工作实施监控的必要性,以及实现该监控所需的条件。
The electricity generation companies " cost and generation capacity also influences the effects of exercising market power ; and 4 ) for the guangdong electricity market , the imbalance in the electricity ' s supply - demand relationship , the highly concentrated market and the game and collusive incline of electricity generation companies may create potentially significant market power ( 4 )由于电力供需不平衡、市场高度集中,以及发电企业博弈和共谋的倾向,广东电力市场具有相当大的潜在的市场力,因此,应及时制定抑制市场力的措施。