Cocom coordinating committee for multilateral export controls 多国出口统筹委员会
Cocom committee controlling east - west trade 东西方贸易统筹委员会
During the cold war , for example , we had the cocom regime of export controls , designed to prevent the spread of dangerous technologies to the soviet union and eastern bloc 就如金恩博士所说的:我们必须学习像手足一样地过日子,否则我们都会如愚人般衰败灭亡。
It means working to strengthen the biological weapons convention and ratifying the chemical weapons convention . it means taking the lead in a range of international export controls to limit the flow of goods and technologies that could be used to make weapons of mass destruction . during the cold war , for example , we had the cocom regime of export controls , designed to prevent the spread of dangerous technologies to the soviet union and eastern bloc 当遇害的非裔美人比我国的其他族裔高出好几倍时;当待在感化机构的非裔美人比待在大学的为多;当几乎每三个非裔美人中就有一个在二十几岁时就琅?入狱、假释出狱或受到形式司法系统的监督时几乎达三分之一,这与我们社会中黑人吸毒的百分比不成比例无怪乎黑人要认为有些事情实在错得太离谱了。