Now , you might want to sock her a clop in the choppers 现在,你可能会想到用斧子向她猛砍过去
The streets were silent except for the clop - clop of their heavy military boots 街上除了他们沉重的军用靴子的通通声外,一切都是静悄悄的。
In this paper , the mechanical character of composite level - stability - panel is analyzed , and the software clop is developed for the analysis of composite laminate strength 论文分析了某型直升机复合材料平尾的力学特性,并开发了能够用于层合结构强度分析的计算机程序。
Thus prevailed on to at any rate taste it , stephen lifted the heavy mug from the brown puddle - it clopped out of it when taken up - by the handle and took a sip of the offending beverage 在好歹尝一尝的劝说下,斯蒂芬就攥着沉甸甸的大杯子的柄,从碰洒了一大滩的褐色液体当中举起了它,并呷了一口那难以下咽的饮料。
Extend with the bamboo floors with the different length , you may clop the beyond ones , then add them to the next ones . the floor will be unique all by yourself . the impression will be graceful naturally 采用不同长度的拼接间距铺装,每一行超长锯下不同长短的地板可以用于下一行地板的拼接,节约物材,观感效果自然潇洒,经久耐看。