I started up in the greatest hast imaginable , and in a trice clapt my ladder to the middle place of the rock , and pull d it after me , and mounting it the second time , got to the top of the hill , the very moment , that a flash of fire bid me listen for a second gun , which accordingly , in about half a minute i heard ; and by the sound , knew that it was from that part of the sea where i was driven down the current in my boat 听到枪声后,我一跃而起,转眼之间就把梯子竖在半山上,登上半山的坡坎后,又把梯子提起来架在坡坎上,最后爬上了山顶。就在这一刹那,我又看见火光一闪,知道第二枪又要响了果然不出所料,半分钟之后,又听到了枪声。从那声音判断,知道枪声正是从我上回坐船被急流冲走的那一带海上传来的。