| 1. | He was cordial, he was very civilized . 他非常和蔼可亲,十分文雅。 |
| 2. | He taught, pacificated, and civilized . 他教化、抚慰、播种文明。 |
| 3. | Civilized men like such a way of living . 受过文明熏陶的人们喜欢这种生活方式。 |
| 4. | I would speed the vast career of civilizing lore . 我要尽快地充实浩瀚的知识宝库。 |
| 5. | Many a rough man has been civilized by his wife . 许多粗野的男人被他们的妻子教好了。 |
| 6. | Earnshaw was not to be civilized with a wish . 恩萧不是靠一个愿望就能文质彬彬起来的。 |
| 7. | The huns were civilized and assimilated by the chinese . 匈奴人被中国内地的人所开化和同化了。 |
| 8. | Perhaps this was the sophisticated and civilized way . 也许那些阅历深广、有教养的人物就是这样的。 |
| 9. | On the instant all her fine, civilized poise had deserted her . 这时她那一切优美文明的姿态都没有了。 |
| 10. | The earliest civilized governments were thus priestly governments . 因此最早的文明的政体是僧侣政体。 |