He takes it to touch chummage without any influence 他没有任何权力去拿它抵房租。
Wrap around the evacuate that allows him , return his chummage 就披准他的撤出,退还他的房租。
Or 2 rooms are compared over there one hall find easily , chummage every months probably how many money 或者二室一厅那里比较轻易找到,房租每月大概多少钱?
Go to house lease returning one part to borrow money with chummage , because the house is returned , have the space that rise 将房子租出去用房租还一部分贷款,因为房子还有上涨的空间
Ask everybody to help me give an idea , i cannot enter store now , landlord calculates my 20 yuan chummage everyday 请大家帮我出出主意吧,我现在进不了店,房东天天算我二十元的房租。
Who knows one hall finds the one room near red bridge airport more easily over excuse me , chummage every months probably how many money 请问有谁知道红桥机场四周的一室一厅在那里比较轻易找到,房租每月大概多少钱?
It is of course it is good to buy a house , spent the thing that money is him after all , and hire chummage again long the house that also is not oneself 当然是买房好,究竟花了钱就是自己的东西了,而租房租再久也不是自己的房子。
If tenant not what capture pays chummage accumulative total to amount to 6 months is long , lessor can call in building , remove contract , ask tenant recoups the loss that lessor gets accordingly 假如承租人未缴付房租累计达6个月之久,出租人可以收回房屋,解除合同,并要求承租人赔偿出租人因此受到的损失。
I borrow money now bought a house , borrowed 160 thousand yuan 15 years every months to return 1600 yuan or so , i still have a little room usable floor area to be in 30 meters , if sell now , can sell in 110 thousand the left and right sides , if lease goes to 6000 yuan or so one year , excuse me expert i am sell the house still had borrowed ahead of schedule , still go to house lease returning one share with chummage 我现在贷款买了一套房子,贷了16万元15年每月还1600元左右,我还有套小房子使用面积在30米,假如现在卖能卖在11万左右,假如租出去一年6000元左右,请问专家我是将房子卖掉提前还贷好,还是将房子租出去用房租还一部分
Have the following one of 5 kinds of circumstances cannot displacement : 1 , tenant defaults chummage ; 2 , the reason because of tenant , make housing is mixed decorate equipment losing , or agree without property right person , reach its to decorate what equipment undertakes demolishing or rebuild to the building ; 3 , existence is rented or use issue ; 4 , new housing is caused to use inconvenience after displacement ; 5 , live together with tenant one place , with member of census register family ( adult ) of different idea displacement 有以下5种情况之一的不能置换: 1 、承租人拖欠房租的; 2 、因承租人的原因,使住房建筑和装修设备损失的,或未经产权人同意,对房屋及其装修设备进行拆除或改建的; 3 、存在租赁或使用纠纷的; 4 、置换后造成新的住房使用不便的; 5 、与承租人同居一处、同户籍家庭成员(成年人)不同意置换的。