Amongst us you will not meet with any of those episodes with which your adventurous existence has so familiarized you ; our chimborazo is mortmartre , our himalaya is mount valerien , our great desert is the plain of grenelle , where they are now boring an artesian well to water the caravans 在我们这里,您遇不到任何在您的冒险生活里常常遇到的那种插曲。马特山就是我们的琴博拉索山,凡尔灵山就是我们的喜马拉雅山,格勒内尔平原就是我们的戈壁大沙漠,而且他们现在正在那儿掘一口自流井,以便沙漠里的旅客能有水吃。