I have a bad cold and i am full of catarrh 我得了重感冒,总流鼻涕。
I ' ve a bad cold and i ' m full of catarrh 我得了重感冒,总流鼻涕
It ' s not only an excellent tonic for preventing illness but can also clear up colds , catarrh , viruses and fever 它不仅是预防疾病的良好滋补食品,还能治疗感冒、鼻黏膜炎、各种病毒和发烧。
In the east , without other risk than that the dank and chill night - air would creep into his frame , and stiffen his joints with rheumatism , and clog his throat with catarrh and cough ; thereby defrauding the 除去阴冷的空气会钻进他的肌体,风湿症会弄僵他的关节,粘膜炎和咳嗽会妨碍他的喉咙之外,绝无其它风险可担果真染上这些症状,也无非是让翌日参加祈祷和布道的听众的殷殷期望落空而已。