Nothing could sate the careerist ' s greed for power 什么也满足不了这个野心家的权力欲。
Given such incentives , can our elite become anything but self - centred careerists 这样的观念下产生的精英,能不势利吗?
This comment haunts harry : he often wonders if slytherin is where he truly belongs , among the pragmatists , the careerists , the manipulators and deceivers , the power - hungry , and the just plain nasty 哈利总会想到这番评论:他常常怀疑他自己实际上是属于斯莱特林的,是那些实用主义者、野心家、操纵者、骗子以及渴望权利的人中的一员,让人感到恶心。