| 1. | On calisthenics in physical education of universities 浅谈高校体育教学中的健美操 |
| 2. | Usage of say - practice method in calisthenics class 念动练习法在健美操课教学中的运用 |
| 3. | Pleasure physical education and calisthenics teaching 快乐体育与健美操教学 |
| 4. | Then adults started using them for calisthenics 接着,成年人也开始用呼拉圈来锻炼身体。 |
| 5. | The basic research of complete sets of the popular calisthenics 浅谈成套大众健美操的创编 |
| 6. | Calisthenics teaching to train students multiple abilities 培养学生多维化能力的健美操教学 |
| 7. | On cultural innovation in the teaching and learning of calisthenics 论健美操教与学的文化创新 |
| 8. | On athletes ' emotion in calisthenics contests 试论健美操比赛的情绪 |
| 9. | Analysis on formation and cultivation of art expression in calisthenics 健美操艺术表现力的形成与培养 |
| 10. | Discussion on several problems of development of calisthenics market 健身健美操市场发展若干问题的探讨 |