He associated the cabalistic truths with those of greek hermeticism 他将喀巴拉的真理与希腊的赫耳墨斯主义相结合。
His project of killing napoleon , and his calculations of the cabalistic numbers , and of the beast of the apocalypse struck him now as incomprehensible and positively ludicrous 现在他觉得,他那刺杀拿破仑的企图,他推算那神秘的数字和“启示录”上的那头兽,都是莫明其妙的,甚至是可笑的。
It was further decorated with strange and seemingly cabalistic figures and diagrams , suitable to the quaint taste of the age , which had been drawn in the stucco when newly laid on , and had now grown hard and durable , for the admiration of after times 大厦的前脸还装饰着当年显得情调古雅怪模怪样看着很神秘的人形和图象,都是在涂灰泥时画就的,此时已变得坚实耐久,供后世观赏了。
Then during the first day of solitude and idleness pierre tried several times in vain to fix his attention on the masonic manuscripts there rose several times vaguely to his mind the idea that had occurred to him in the past of the cabalistic significance of his name in connection with the name of bonaparte . but the idea that he , 随后,在他孤独地无所事事地度过的第一天中皮埃尔几次想集中注意力于共济会的手抄本,但都未能做到,他先前想过的关于他的名字与波拿巴的名字相关联的神秘意义,不止一次模糊地又让他感觉到了。
This door was a mockery to the conci rge , from whose vigilance and jurisdiction it was free , and , like that famous portal in the arabian nights , opening at the " sesame " of ali baba , it was wont to swing backward at a cabalistic word or a concerted tap from without from the sweetest voices or whitest fingers in the world 这扇门向门房嘲笑,因为虽有门房警卫,它却逃过了他的管辖开门的方法,象一千零一夜里的阿里巴巴喊一声“芝麻开门”一样,只要由世界上最甜蜜的声音说一个魔字,或由世界上最白嫩的手叩一个暗号就得了。