[ bai ] 短语和例子 swear by all that is sacred 凭着神圣发誓。 By god, I never observed it. 老天爷在上,我绝没有注意过它。 By Heavens, I will have his heart's blood. 上天作证,我一定要杀死他。 adv. 1.在侧,在旁,在附近。 2.(搁)在一边,(放)到旁边,(存)在一旁;收着。 3.(由旁边)经过,过去。 4.(岁月等)流过。 5.〔美口〕(请)来(访问,玩玩,谈谈等)〔与 call, come, stop 等连用〕。 短语和例子 No one was by. 没有人在旁边。 The school is close by. 学校就在近旁。 stand [sit] by 站[坐]在一旁。 a store near by 邻近的一家店铺。 pass by 经过,走过,通过。 hurry by 匆匆走过。 The car drove by. 汽车驶过。 The bird flew by. 鸟飞过。 Put your work by for a moment. 把你的工作搁一搁。 These apples were put by for the winter. 这些苹果储存起来冬天卖[吃]。 lay by enough money to retire 储蓄足够的钱以便退休。 in days gone by往日。 Next time you're over this way, please come by. 下次路过这里,请来坐一坐。 adj. ★通例用作 by(e)-。 n. = bye. by and again 〔美国〕时时,常常。 by and by 不久以后,不一会儿(The clouds will disappear by and by. 云很快就要散了)。 by and large 全盘,总的来说,一般地说,大体上。 by far 见 far 条。 byhalf 见 half 条。 by oneself [itself] 单独,独立;独自。 by the by(e) 顺便说到。 by the way 见 way 条。
Example Sentences:
He was fascinated by the founding fathers . 他特别景仰的是开国元勋。
Many lives have been saved by surgery . 施行外科手术拯救了许多生命。
We were bogged down by overwork . 过分繁重的工作已经使我们陷入困境。
By early june, the president was at bay . 六月初总统已经陷入了绝境。
He was surprised and blasted by a thought . 有一个念头使他大为诧异。
They were soon blotted out by the night . 他们很快就消失在夜色中了。
Sort these cards according by their colours . 按颜色将这些卡片分开。
Wasn't he afraid to go there by himself ? 他不怕独自一人到那里去吗?
He scares people away by being so brash . 他狂妄自大把别人都吓跑了。