| 1. | A summary of bulang studies since the 1980s 20世纪80年代以来布朗族研究综述 |
| 2. | Study on mental rotation of han , bulang and jinuo children aged 9岁儿童心理旋转能力的比较研究 |
| 3. | A positive study on the concept of gender equality of the jinuo and bulang ethnic people in education field 基诺族和布朗族在教育场域中性别平等观的实证研究 |
| 4. | Chapter 7 - deep habitus of welfare field , analyzes the concepts of religious welfare of jinuo and bulang nationalities 第七章是福利场域的深层惯习。本章从四个方面分析了基诺族和布朗族的宗教福利观念。 |
| 5. | Chapter 5 - habitus of welfare sub - field ( a ) , analyzes the concepts of poverty , relief , and providing for the aged of the jinuo and bulang nationalities 第五章是福利亚场域的惯习(上) 。本章分析了基诺族和布朗族的贫困观念、救济观念和养老观念。 |
| 6. | Starting from the micro - stage ( community ) , this dissertation inquires into the welfare cultures of the jinuo and bulang nationalities the economic development of which is similar 本文从微观层次(社区)入手,研究经济发展程度基本相近的基诺族和布朗族的福利文化,其目的在于探讨经济发展程度基本相近的不同民族在福利文化上是否存在以及存在哪些差异。 |
| 7. | In the field of education , religion exerts less influence on jinuo nationality than bulang nationality . the different concepts of religious welfare are the most striking factors in the welfare cultures of the two nationalities . chapter 8 - results of and reflection on this study , summarizes the whole study and draws the conclusion and makes further analysis and distillation 本章对整个研究进行总结,概括和归纳了本研究的主要结论并对其作了进一步的分析和提炼,根据研究结论提出了相应的社会政策建议;还对整个研究过程进行了反思,并结合研究中的发现和启示,对今后的努力方向提出了初步设想。 |
| 8. | The sense of religion in life of jinuo nationality is weaker than that of bulang nationality . in the field of providing for the aged , the sense of religion in life of jinuo nationality is weaker than that of bulang nationality . in the field of medical care , the sense of religion in life of jinuo nationality is weaker than that of bulang nationality 在生活态度中,基诺族的宗教观念弱于布朗族;在养老场域,基诺族的宗教化程度低于布朗族;在医疗场域,基诺族的宗教化程度总体上低于布朗族;在教育场域,宗教对基诺族的影响小于布朗族;宗教福利观念是基诺族和布朗族的福利文化中差异最为显著的因素。 |
| 9. | It also discusses and explains how the theory of " field - habitus " is used in this study . it gives the information how the sites for facts finding was chosen and their basic circumstances and expounds in detail how to carry out the facts finding . chapter 4 - basic habitus of welfare field , analyzes the basic habitus of welfare field , namely the concept of welfare models , of the jinuo and bulang nationalities 本章分析了布迪厄的“场域-惯习”论及其与社会福利研究的关系,并就“场域?惯习”论在本研究中的运用作了讨论;介绍了实地调查的地点选择及所调查社区的基本情况,并对实地调查的方法作了较为详细的说明。 |
| 10. | They two have different views on the causes of poverty , different attitudes towards poverty , and different opinions on how to overcome poverty , and different attitudes towards relief and the moral hazard in relief as well . chapter 6 - habitus of welfare sub - field ( b ) , analyzes the concepts of values of life , diseases , and education of jinuo and bulang nationalities 两个民族在贫困成因观念、贫困态度和脱贫观念等方面都存在差异,在救济态度、救济负功能的看法、救济中的道德风险和救济主观原因致者的态度等方面也存在差异,在养老方式观念上没有差异,但在养儿防老的数量观念和选择养老子女的标准上存在差异。 |