Good - bye , mr . brocklehurst ; remember me to mrs . and miss brocklehurst , and to augusta and theodore , and master broughton brocklehurst 请向布罗克赫斯特太太和小姐,向奥古斯塔西奥多和布劳顿
A380 boost as europe and us give it the thumbs - upworkers at airbus broughton factory have been given another morale boost after the a380 superjumbo was given the seal of approval from aviation chiefs 新闻2006 / 12 / 14 :欧洲巴士380超级巨无霸机工厂的员工士气大振,因为他们知道公司取得欧美航空安全管理机构的适航证书。
The wings for the aircraft are being built at broughton in north wales , and then transported by sea for final assembly at toulouse in france , using a specially - constructed roll - on roll - off ferry built in shanghai 目前飞机的机翼正在北威尔士的布劳顿进行建造,然后将通过由上海特制的滚装船海运至法国的图卢兹进行最后组装。