The neighbours were professional people, most of whom daily commuted to london from bromley station . 邻居都是职员,大部分人每天都从布郎利车站乘车到伦敦上班。
In this discussion with micah the wiry old captain tended to ignore his ineffective son, bromley . 在同弥迦谈这类事情时,精明的老船工有意忽略他的无能的儿子布朗利。
Bromley , of course . - if you mention my name at the bell , you will be attended to . 你们只要在驿站上提一提我的名字,就会有人来招待你们。 ”
All three girls were performing above average at school , but bromley education authority took the mother to court because of their poor attendance record 由于这几名孩子缺勤情况严重,于是当地教育主管部门将她们的母亲告上了法庭。
Schools , not parents , must decide whether children can be withdrawn from lessons for holidays or other family activities , lord justice auld and mr justice sullivan ruled . they declared that parents can face a criminal conviction if they remove children in defiance of a school ' s wishes . the court overturned a decision by magistrates in the london borough of bromley to acquit a woman who took her daughters on two holidays without permission 据泰晤士报3月8日报道,英国高等法院法官7日裁决,当家长需要将在校子女接去参加节日活动或者其他家庭活动时,必须由学校而不是家长自己来决定孩子是否可以离开学校如果家长不顾校方意见,擅自将子女带走,那他们可能被判有罪。