Arrived at brindisi , saturday , october 5th , at 4 p . m 10月5日,星期六,下午四点,到达布林迪西。
From london to suez via mont cenis and brindisi , by rail and steamboats 7 days 自伦敦至苏伊士途经悉尼山与布林迪西火车船7天
Directly from brindisi ; she takes on the indian mails there , and she left there saturday at five p . m . have patience , mr fix ; she will not be late 它在那儿装上寄往印度的邮件,星期六下午五点钟开出。您耐心点儿,它是不会迟到的。
She may be faustina , wife of the emperor and stoic philosopher marcus aurelius , according to angela marinazzo , director of the provincial archaeological museum in brindisi 布林迪斯地方考古博物馆的馆长安吉拉?玛里拉佐认为她可能是福斯蒂娜,马可?奥勒利乌斯的妻子。奥勒利乌斯是国王也是斯多葛派哲学家。
I repeat that the mongolia has been in advance of the time required by the company s regulations , and gained the prize awarded for excess of speed . does she come directly from brindisi 我已经对您说过了:政府对于凡是在规定的时间内提前到达的船只,每快二十四小时,就发给二十五镑奖金,而蒙古号总是得奖的。 ”
In brindisi , italy , the un ' s supply and storage depot improves the storage and maintenance of reusable assets , saves money in procurement costs , and facilitates faster deployment of new operations 设在意大利布林迪西的联合国供应和储存补给站负责改进可回收利用的资产的储存和保养、节省采购物品的费用并帮助更快地部署新的行动。
The mongolia plied regularly between brindisi and bombay via the suez canal , and was one of the fastest steamers belonging to the company , always making more than ten knots an hour between brindisi and suez , and nine and a half between suez and bombay 从布林迪西到苏伊士这段航程的正常时速是十海里从苏伊士到盂买的正常时速是九五三海里可是它经常总是提前到达。
As soon as the robbery was discovered , picked detectives hastened off to liverpool , glasgow , havre , suez , brindisi , new york , and other ports , inspired by the proffered reward of two thousand pounds , and five per cent on the sum that might be recovered 一批最干练的警员和密探派到了各个主要的港口如:利物浦格拉斯哥哈佛苏伊士布林迪西纽约等地。谁能破案谁就将获得两千英镑合五万金法郎的奖金,而且还外加追回赃款的百分之五作为报酬。
The mongolia , thanks to the vigorous exertions of the engineer , seemed likely , so rapid was her speed , to reach her destination considerably within that time . the greater part of the passengers from brindisi were bound for india - some for bombay , others for calcutta by way of bombay , the nearest route thither , now that a railway crosses the indian peninsula 从布林迪西上船的旅客差不多大部分是往印度去的,有的去孟买,有的去加尔各答,但是也要经过孟买,因为自从有了一条横贯整个印度半岛的铁路,就用不着再绕道锡兰了。