He was disliked because his manner was always full of braggadocio . 人们讨厌他,因为他老是吹牛。
We got to be careful who we share this wonderful blessings with because people can get completely mixed up and confused and they start thinking we re being braggadocios 我们要当心跟甚么人分享这美好的祝福,因为人会感到混乱,会以为我们自吹自擂。
" pistols , then , at eight o clock , in the bois de vincennes , " said beauchamp , quite disconcerted , not knowing if he was dealing with an arrogant braggadocio or a supernatural being “那末,是用手枪,八点钟,在万森树林。 ”波尚神情狼狈地说,不知道对方究竟是一个傲慢的自大者还是一个超人。