The jussi ore shoot is exceptional also in that it contains considerable amounts of millerite and bornite . 洁西矿结的另一特点,是它含有相当数量的针镍矿及班铜矿。
The main metals mineral are chalcopyrite , the next clinohedrite , alpha chalcocite bornite , malachite and azurite . a little amount blende , galena incidentally ryby silver , bismuth 矿石中主要金属矿物为黄铜矿、其次为黝铜矿、兰辉铜矿、斑铜矿及铜的氧化物孔雀石、蓝铜矿。闪锌矿、方铅矿少量,偶见淡红银矿、硫酸钮矿。
The natural bornite has stains and spots on the surface , showing a beautiful picture against a golden yellow background . yunnan tea is finely made , good in quality , and has a good assrtmnent . popular products include dianhong , dianliu , puercha , tuocha and qizhibing . the city of spring plants many varieties of flowers all the year round . now total number amounts to 400 在云南民族村里,吉祥的傣寨白塔,壮观的白族大理三塔,高耸的彝族图腾柱,源远流长的纳西东巴文化,佤族的木鼓布朗族的婚俗基诺族的太阳鼓拉祜族的芦笙舞奇特的摩梭人母系社会形态惊险的傈傈族上必杜活动以及风趣的亚洲群象表演,精美独特的民族风味美食,会令您陶醉其中,流连忘返。
Kunming boasts rich resources . the ethnic groups , each with its own unique lifestyle and standard of beauty , have creatcd many unique specialities . the ethnic arts and crafts , cigarettes , medicine , tea , jewelry , embroidery and local snacks are most pooular among visitors . bornite wares are unique metal arts and crafts produced in yunnan 云南民族村景区内建有徒刑各民民居建筑,其中展示的有:五彩缤纷的衣着服饰妙趣横生的婚俗礼仪多姿多彩的民族节庆优美误码率的音乐舞蹈兼有博览游乐度假夜营水上活动及餐饮服务等各种综合配套设施,能满足各界嘉宾不同的爱好和需要。